Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures
Health, Wellness & Counselling, Recreation & Fitness, Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Phone: 306-291-8181
Email: connect@
Website: www.back2naturewellness.com
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures promotes cultivating self-awareness and increasing the connection you have with yourself through five main streams: Outdoor Adventures, Team Building, Soul Coaching, BodyTalk Sessions, and Online and In-person Facilitation.
Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures offers personal and professional development opportunities that allow you to connect more deeply with yourself. When you cultivate a deep connection with self, you feel more fully authentic and can offer yourself and others more compassion. These opportunities are for anyone who is looking to investigate their current patterns and behaviours and transform to the best version of them self!
Kyla Bouvier
Kyla has a lifelong passion for the outdoors and promotes an inner journey in the outdoors! She has a passion for assisting others in cultivating self-awareness and connection with self in an outdoor experience. She has worked as a biologist for the past 16 years and is the owner/founder of Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures. Kyla has been guiding participants on outdoor adventures for the past three years. She has been trained as an outdoor field leader through the Outdoor Council of Canada and holds certification as a hiking, winter, overnight and paddling field leader. Kyla is also trained in wilderness first aid and CPR. She is a self-awareness educator with certifications in BodyTalk, Access Bars, Conscious Living Investigation and Reiki. Through her own life experiences, Kyla has transformed and aligned by investigating her own internal environment and goes through life with a self-reflective mindset.