BetterCart Analytics
Phone: (306) 270-9907
Email: melanie@
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
BetterCart Analytics helps food and beverage producers, manufacturers, grocery retailers, and industry associations make data-driven decisions with advanced price analytics technology. Harnessing the power of 3 billion product records, and 27 million new pricing updates weekly, BetterCart Analytics uses machine learning and AI to provide real-time and historical pricing data, along with powerful intelligence that deepens understanding of markets and competitive landscapes. With increased transparency, BetterCart Analytics powers the competitive advantage of enterprises, and helps them increase their profit margin, operating profit, and customer and brand loyalty.
Melanie Morrison
Melanie Morrison is the Founder and CEO of BetterCart Analytics, a Saskatchewan-based company that helps the food industry (producers, manufacturers, grocery retailers, and associations) make data-driven decisions with advanced price analytics technology. BetterCart Analytics harnesses the power of 3 billion product records and, with machine learning and AI, provides real-time and historical pricing data and intelligence that increases commercial entities’ profit margins, operating profit, and customer and brand loyalty. Melanie has an extensive background in data analyses and statistics, and has a PhD in Experimental Psychology. Melanie has used her research, leadership, and team-building skills to manage as Principal or Co-Principal multi-million dollar research programs that have been funded through federal and provincial agencies such as SSHRC, SHRF, and CIHR. Melanie’s tech company, BetterCart Analytics, receives funding from the National Research Council of Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), and has obtained support from Co.Launch (winner), Co.Labs, SREDA’s Tech Trip (winner), WESK (Founders’ Table and Mastermind Programs), and Creative Destruction Lab – Rockies (Prime Stream).