Board Checkup, Self-Assessment Software Services
Coaching & Leadership, Technology
Phone: 206-375-3043
Email: boardcheckup@
Website: www.boardcheckup.com
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
Board Checkup, LLC evolved out of the research of Professors Yvonne Cafik Harrison, currently at the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA and Vic Murray of the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. The purpose of the research was to test the efficacy of an online intervention designed to understand and resolve problems of board performance through the practice of board performance assessment.
Yvonne Cafik
Yvonne D. Cafik PhD has expertise in the leadership and governance of nonprofit corporations of all kinds and the adoption and use of modern information and communications technology, particularly in the context of volunteerism. Currently, Dr. Cafik is Founder and President of Board Checkup, Self-Assessment Software Services Inc. a tech startup in Regina, Saskatchewan with a mission to improve corporate governance and leadership by filling technical gaps in board of director evaluation capacity to evaluate the governance function. Dr. Cafik has held tenure track, director, and clinical appointments in teaching and research-intensive universities in Canada and the USA, including the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA and the Department of Public Administration at the University of Victoria, CANADA where she is affiliated faculty. An active leadership volunteer, Dr. Cafik serves on the board of directors of Baby-Friendly USA, the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER), Triathlon Saskatchewan, and is Past Chair of the Governance Section of the Association for Research in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Public Administration and Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. She is co-author (with Vic Murray) of the 2014 SUNY Open Textbook, Guidelines for Improving the Effectiveness of Boards of Directors of Nonprofit Organizations and author of a number of academic peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, research reports, and other publications.