Canadian Electronic Health Information System Ltd.
Phone: 306-891-5316
Email: heidi@
Website: guardianemr.ca
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
The Modern Solution for your Canadian Medical Record Storage. Everything in one secure storage place.
Secure your chart notes using Guardian EMR, compatible with any browser on any device. Our minimalist design and powerful automation ensures quick, easy system access. Cut your time spent charting and direct your time seeing more clients.
Heidi Watson
Heidi Watson is the CEO of E-HIS and a registered Occupational Therapist with a Masters Degree from the University of Manitoba. She is an extremely diligent individual with an immense passion for making improvements in health care. Her developments of internationally reviewed and nationally accredited courses, a multi-practitioner private practice, and a fully functional practice management system called Guardian EMR, are all testaments to this. Heidi understands the complex needs of health providers and aims to provide a comprehensive integrated solution that can be applied in numerous health care environments.