About the Business

Changes Wellness connects you with other women going through the same struggles, trying to meet the same goals, all while navigating the insanity that we call our daily lives.
The online app is hosted by Tamara, your accountability coach for resources and inspiration on how to live your best, most confident life without feeling pressured to conform to a program or plan!

Tamara McLoughlin

After spending 20 years as a vet tech working in the agricultural industry Tamara decided to pursue a new path, helping women move forward on their personal wellness journeys. Tamara is well acquainted with the roller coast of dieting and enduring the conflicting messages on body image and wellness. If you had told her that one day she would be a Nutrition Coach and a Personal Training Specialist there is no way she would have believed you! Through her online community it is her mission to help others see themselves as the amazing, strong, beautiful women that they really are!