Enviro Integration Strategies Inc.
Architecture, Engineering, Scientific & Technical Consulting, Technology
Phone: 306-270-1430
Email: kchovan@
Website: https://www.envirointegration.com
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
Coming Soon
Karen Chovan
Karen Chovan is the Founder of Enviro Integration Strategies Inc., focused on creating value, reducing environmental risks and eliminating various forms of waste through strategic, systems-based circular approaches. As a geological engineer, she earned a Masters in Mine Waste Management and has followed a 20-yr career through tailings and mine waste management, project management and strategic planning, sustainability advisement and organizational change. Karen is also the Chair for the CIM Environmental and Social Responsibility Society (ESRS), where she aims to raise awareness and facilitate the uptake of more holistic and sustainable practices across industry.