Gravelbourg Mustard Inc.
Food & Beverage, Manufacturing, Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade
Phone: 306-648-7247
Email: val@
Website: gravelbourgmustard.ca
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
A gourmet food company based in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan that is bringing flavour alive. Whether you’re a chef or a dabbler that likes to make every day a little tastier, we have something for you.
Val Michaud
Val Michaud is the owner of Gravelbourg Mustard and has been since 2011. Val grew up in Gravelbourg on the family farm 2 miles south of town where she was the fifth girl of 6 daughters. She was considered the boy in the family, she often worked with her father on many chores around the farm. She was never afraid of getting dirty, in fact she preferred being outside than inside the house. She would often explore the farm and escape too her hiding spots. One of those spots was the top of a grain bin where she would sit there for hours enjoying the view of the yellow fields and the beauty of her back yard. She would daydream and think of the possibilities that lay before her in the years to come as she grew up. She was always given tasks to do on the farm and enjoyed the freedom doing those chores, and I think that is where she learnt and loved working alone and for herself. When she graduated from high school she entered cosmetology and before she was done her course she owned her own salon with partnership with her other sister. She had still 5 months left of school before she could start working in her salon. She was determined to be there so fast forwarded her course by going 6 days a week to accumulate her hours for completion. Done a month sooner than her classmates she returned to Gravelbourg to finally work in her salon and start her entrepreneurial journey! In 2011 Val was the proud owner of Gravelbourg Mustard. She worked full time at the salon and would do her mustard business after hours whenever there wasn’t something happening with the children. As she grew Gravelbourg Mustard she was faced with a decision to quit the salon and move into a full time position with Gravelbourg Mustard. A decision that weigh on her mind, leaving a career that she had done since 19 years of age, but she knew that if she wanted her new adventure to succeed she would have to spend more of her focus and time on Gravelbourg Mustard.Val is still her company’s only staff member, dragged herself through a rebranding process and built a new website. She created thirteen products, began targeting the food service industry, and perhaps the bravest decision of all—she auditioned for CBC’s famed business show Dragons’ Den. In conclusion, Val has always been a strong, determined, spirited woman who always gave to her children or anyone that needed help. She continues to inspire other woman on their entrepreneurial journey and gives to her community.