Home Women-Owned Business DatabaseInternational Indigenous Fashion Week Inc

About the Business

Indigenous designers and musicians represent the First Nations, so it is important for IIFW to recognize the rich culture and history of this country and the montage of heritage that is what Aboriginal Culture is today. IIFW takes pride in showcasing the distinct heritage we have as Aboriginals through today’s fashion

Chelsa Racette

In 2005, as an effort to introduce the excitement and presence of modelling and fashion into the Indigenous community of Regina and area, Chelsa Racette (Reil), Cree from the Nekaneet First Nation in Saskatchewan, created the organization Glacsy Model Management Canada (Glacsy) and 306 Fashion Week Productions Inc. (FWP). Five years later, the concept of National Aboriginal Fashion Week (NAFW) was created and developed by Chelsa, formally launching in 2012. Through this exciting endeavor, Mrs. Racette provided a platform for aspiring and established fashion designers and models to network and share their experiences within the fashion community of Saskatchewan and Canada. Since then, her events have expanded to an international stage (thus, the name change to IIFW Inc.), and most recently, IIFW has taken designers to NYC, Paris, and London. Mrs. Racette has conducted business in the fashion industry for over 15 years, and during this time she found that the presence and influence of Indigenous fashion is growing rapidly.