Lana Wickstrom Separation Specialist Ltd.
Phone: 306-955-5008
Email: lana@
Website: www.lanawickstrom.com
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
Separation and divorce are hard. You can do hard things. I can help.
Lana Wickstrom
Lana Wickstrom has harmonized her education, skills and talents as a layer, social worker, mediator, coach, community leader, mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend to help people in her Saskatchewan community to navigate the tremendously deep and personal life transition of separation and divorce outside of courtrooms and with dignity. As a separation specialist, Lana’s goal is to meet each client exactly where they are in their separation story and provide the desperately needed education, support and guidance to help them make informed decisions instead of act on emotional reactions to their separation as they prioritize their financial, social and emotional selves as well as their children’s needs.