Home Women-Owned Business DatabaseVerolingo Communications

About the Business

Expertise in translation and communication.

Verolingo Communications helps organizations communicate better through accurate English/French translation, effective communications strategies and plans, and impactful writing and editing. By providing clear and precise translations and communications we help minimize misrepresentation and misunderstanding of your organization, products and/or services. We provide impactful messages to effectively inform, engage and/or generation action by your stakeholders.

Veronique Loewen

Véronique Loewen owns Verolingo Communications, an English/French translation and communication services consultancy. A seasoned communication professional, with 25 years of experience as a mining sector lead communicator and over two decades as an English/French translation services provider, Véronique enjoys sharing her communications and interpersonal relationships skills with businesses and non-profit organizations alike.

Véronique particularly enjoys writing, making sense of and communicating science, engineering, technical, and all things not so intuitive to a broad audience. Finding the right words to engage, touch and prompt action and understanding is her expertise.    She holds an MBA from Royal Roads University and a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Foreign Languages from University Montpellier III (France). She is a certified Communications Management Professional from the Global Communication Certification Council and holds the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors. She is a member of the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Saskatchewan and of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Véronique is a founding member of Women in Mining/Women in Nuclear Saskatchewan. She volunteers as a member of the boards of Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, and the Institute of Corporate Directors, Saskatchewan Chapter. She is also a member of the board of directors of the crown corporation SaskEnergy Inc. and serves on its Human Resources & Safety Committee.    In 2017 Véronique was the recipient of the YWCA Saskatoon Women of Distinction Award in Leadership and of the Women in Nuclear Canada Leadership Award.