Ag Grow Consulting Ltd.
Phone: 3068459357
Email: Jill@
Categories: Board Candidate, Business Collaboration, Mentorship, Speaker, Supplier
About the Business
Ag Grow Consulting has a simple, personalized approach to agronomy. We provide timely, unbiased and precise agronomic services to farmers. We are passionate about agronomy and we want our customers to grow the best crop and make the most money! Ag Grow Consulting Ltd. Was established in 2008. At that time, there was no one else providing independent agronomy services in Northeast Saskatchewan. We have been working with customers to provide the best agronomic solutions to increase their farms bottom line. Ag Grow Consulting has a team of dedicated, hardworking agronomists who are committed to doing what is right for farmers. We provide field scouting, soil testing, tissue testing, variable rate, drainage services and we carry out local research. Our recommendations are made using a combination of regional experience and scientific data. We take pride in supporting all aspects of crop production, and work with our customers during the growing season and throughout the winter to help achieve that goal. Ag Grow Consulting has nothing to sell other than ourselves, and has nothing but our customer’s best interests in mind.
Kara Annand
Kara Annand Founder and CEO, AgScouter & Ag Grow Consulting Ltd.
Kara Annand combines her passion for farming with a drive for innovation in agriculture. Raised on a farm in Southern Saskatchewan, she earned a degree from the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Agriculture in 2001. With over 20 years as an Agronomist, she has guided farmers in optimizing crop production and now leads a team of Agronomists at Ag Grow Consulting.
Motivated to streamline agronomy, Kara and her team created AgScouter, a groundbreaking tool she and her team use daily to improve agricultural decision-making. Her hands-on expertise and dedication to supporting farmers establish her as a leader in agricultural technology.