Back to homeStep 1 of 5   20% How many years have you been in business?* Haven’t started yet 2 years or less 3 to 6 years 7 to 9 years 10+ How many people work for you?* Just Me 1 to 6 people 7 to 12 people 13 to 39 people More than 40 people What is your revenue range?* Not operating yet $0 to $250K Between $250K and $1M Over $1M What do your sales per year look like?* Not operating yet No sales yet Inconsistent / unpredictable Steady < 20% growth Exponential > 20% growth Your results are almost in! just one last step…Name*Email* City/Town*Do you identify as Indigenous? Yes No Do you identify as a minority? Yes No Are you under 18 years of age? Yes No EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.