Home ResourcesIntroduction to Exporting

Introduction to Exporting

At times, exporting can seem a daunting task. The Introduction to Exporting webinar will guide participants through the process of exporting products from Saskatchewan to international markets, by introducing terminology, topics and subject matter vital to making that first shipment a success.

Topics covered include:

  • Intro to STEP
  • Identifying and Researching Markets
  • Intro to the Harmonized System
  • Intro to Trade Documentation
  • Intro to Incoterms
  • The Role of Freight Forwarders & Customs Brokers
  • Assistance for Exporters

Presented By: Jeff Thackeray, Senior Director of Market Intelligence, STEP

Born and raised in Regina, Jeff Thackeray’s background is focused around trade and economic development. Jeff completed a Bachelor of Administration, specializing in marketing from the University of Regina before working as a Business Development Officer with the Prince Albert Regional Economic Development Authority.  Jeff has worked with Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP) since 2006 in a variety of roles and currently serves as the Senior Director, Market Intelligence at STEP. Jeff also holds a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

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