Is your company building a new or improved product? Or are you creating a platform or an application? In this presentation, Daniah McCall, CEO of Infinity SRED Solutions Inc. will help women entrepreneurs understand what the SR&ED program is really about and how it could be applicable to your business. We will start with a background of the program, discussions of what an SR&ED project could be and the steps of how to put together a claim. A common misconception with entrepreneurs is that they will not qualify for SR&ED. However, by the end of this presentation attendees will know if SR&ED is right for them.
This presentation will help women entrepreneurs understand the SR&ED program and answer the following questions:
• What is SR&ED and what’s available for businesses in Saskatchewan?
• Technical and accounting elements of SR&ED?
• What is the SR&ED claiming process?
• How can an SR&ED consultant help?
Presented By: Daniah McCall, Infinity SRED Solutions Inc.
Daniah McCall is the CEO of Infinity SRED Solutions Inc. He’s been helping businesses in Saskatchewan and Canada successfully navigate the SR&ED program for more than 10 years.
The mission of Infinity SRED Solutions Inc. is to help businesses prosper through the reinvestment of innovation tax credits. By utilizing our technical and financial expertise, we help ensure that our clients maximize their potentially available SR&ED tax credits and ultimately grow their businesses through capital reinvestment.
We work with our clients from the beginning of the project identification process all the way through to a finalized and successful claim.
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