In this one hour webinar we’ll discover how to create a marketing machine and get the highest ROI from your efforts. Quit putting time and money into strategies that aren’t working. Specifically we’ll get crystal clear on your vision and goals, find the customers that are bringing you the highest profit and find out how you can create the right message and offer.
Presented By: Kara Sharp
Kara has worked with non-profit organizations, for-profit companies, start-up companies and salespeople to build their personal brands. And over that time, she has refined a process that works for all types of businesses. That’s not to say there aren’t nuances between the business models, but the foundations are the same.
There are a ton of marketing resources out there, but to date, she hasn’t found one that gives you an actionable plan that you can put into place to drive more sales. You don’t have time to be watching 100’s of hours worth of content or reading dozens of books. Courses like Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing or Data Analytics with Excel PivotTables sound like they would be high level. Still, they don’t give you actionable steps for your business and dive way too deep into one topic. Marketing Basic’s 101 or How to Get Started with Social Media are too basic for you. You don’t need to be told how to set up an Instagram account.
We will skip the fluff and get straight to the parts that matter.
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