Home ResourcesCrisis-Proofing Your Website

Crisis-Proofing Your Website

Cultivating Digital Resiliency: Is Your Website Crisis-Ready?

Taking care of your business’ online presence can be frustrating. What if Brenda quits? She’s the knowledge keeper for all your digital marketing outlets. What if your website goes down and you can’t get a hold of your service provider? Do you have a backup plan in place, and/or have access to all the information you need? We’ll walk you through the must-have answers in order to aid you in creating your website crisis toolkit.


In this session, you’ll learn about…

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Hosting Conditions and Domains
  • Service Logins
  • Website contracts (and what to watch for in them)



  • Web address = URL
  • Content Management System = CMS
  • Agency = the service provider that you’re using to create/maintain your website
  • Open Source Software = Software that has its source code (the code that makes it work) open for anyone to see, contribute to, or even make their own copies to customize. Many Open Source projects have large user communities, which means it’s easier to find developers to work on your project, easier to find help documentation, and more people working to make sure that your software is bug-free.


Presented by:

Kirstie Seier, Territorial

Kirstie is a designer at Territorial Creative, where they work with their clients to design and develop web apps, websites, digital products, and software. Kirstie specializes in graphic design, UX and UI design, brand strategy, and content writing.


Sarah Etter, Territorial

Sarah is the lead developer at Territorial. She has shared her knowledge and expertise at numerous dev conferences across Canada and has been involved with ‘Canada Learning Code’ as a mentor and instructor.

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