Arlene Dickinson has said that it is never too late for a reinvention and that has been the case of Corliss Rassyle. In her book Reinvention, Ms. Dickinson also refers to the difference between small business owners and an entrepreneurs as this: “Both have a greater appetite for risk than most people – they are prepared to forgo a steady paycheck, for one thing – but entrepreneurs want to disrupt an entire industry. Small business owners aren’t trying to take the world by storm, mostly they want to work for themselves and feel they are in control of their own livelihood in destiny.” Corliss Rassyle is definitely an entrepreneur and has reinvented herself on more than one occasion.
For more than twenty years Corliss felt inspired, excited, and challenged by her career, but with some significant changes in her personal life, she found herself considering a new direction both personally and professionally. Not knowing exactly what it could look like she went back to the foundation of all personal success stories: within herself. Knowing it was time for self-discovery she attended personal development events all over the United States. She estimates that she travelled almost 38,000 miles in two years to learn from some of the best our world has to offer including Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, The Hollis Company, Lewis Howes and Oprah Winfrey. At one of the conferences in Minneapolis she caught herself saying “I wish this existed in Canada so more people could experience this”, then only moments later, an idea became a vision when she wrote in her journal “if it doesn’t exist, I will create it.”
She is now fulfilling the dream with the launch of LEAD Conference Canada 2023 right here in Saskatchewan on November 3 – 4, 2023.
Q. How has WESK supported you on your entrepreneurial journey?
Truthfully, I don’t know if my business could have survived the pandemic without WESK, but just as important, WESK gave me the support I needed as a human being and the one leading my business.
I had just decided to scale my business from a small sole proprietorship to an incorporated company only one month before the pandemic. It was devastating to me as I was not prepared financially and up until that point 90% of my business was in person. As government support programs were being released to help business owners survive the pandemic, I was continually disappointed to realize that I qualified for none of them.
WESK not only created loan opportunities that I could qualify for but also provided me with a support team. I had access to amazing business advisors and a community of other entrepreneurs who shared their stories helping me feel less alone as I navigated the challenges. I am eternally grateful to WESK.
Q. Why do you want to bring an event like this to Canada?
Because events like this can be life changing. I have personally been impacted by “next level” conferences in a profound way, and I recognized many would never get an experience like that because of the investment required to attend. By bringing world class speakers to Saskatchewan, we are making it possible, accessible and affordable for many.
Q. What is unique about LEAD Conference Canada?
This conference is a high energy, high calibre event with the perfect blend of world class speakers (one of whom is Arlene Dickinson) and real-life inspirational speakers. Throughout this two-day event you will experience a process that will help you own your life- past, present and future. Personal development is a deeply personal experience, and each person will experience breakthroughs unique to them.
Q. Who should attend?
The short answer is anyone who wants to ignite their life. It is easy to get lost in the busyness of life. Most women in particular and entrepreneurial women especially often put themselves at the bottom of the list and by doing so it’s difficult to be their best in any environment. LEAD Conference Canada is a chance to recharge, reset and reconnect with self in a positive and uplifting environment.
The diverse speaker lineup offers a wide variety of support and education for every person attending. Personal growth and development is a lifelong journey – it is not just for when you are struggling. Building your “mental muscles”, learning from others, and expanding your vision are positive practices at any time in your life. No matter your background, circumstances, or goals for the future, our program is designed to positively impact every person in the room. Come with an open heart and an open mind.
Q. How many speakers are there?
We have 12 speakers, 3 of whom are world renowned including Kristina Kuzmic, Arlene Dickinson and a third who will be announced on February 22. There are 5 other professional speakers and 4 inspirational speakers taking the stage.
Q. When and where is the conference?
November 3 – 4, 2023 at TCU Place Theater in Saskatoon, SK.
Q. Where can you get tickets?
Join the 1100+ people who are on our waitlist now at www.corliss.ca/lead2023
Those on the list will get a presale window opportunity to buy the best seats, at the lowest price, on February 22 at 12 noon!
Q. Who is Corliss Rassyle?
Where to find LEAD Conference Canada
Facebook: LEAD Conference Canada
Instagram: @leadconferencecanada
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