Advocacy Overview

In Saskatchewan, small business is BIG business. Almost 99% of businesses are small businesses, and in 2018, they accounted for 24% of Saskatchewan’s GDP. What’s not on the front pages is the vital role women play in job creation and economic growth — and how much more robust our province and country could be if we created an environment that empowered women entrepreneurs.

Together, we can work to close the gender entrepreneurship gap. It’s more than a social and moral imperative — it’s an economic issue. It’s time to celebrate, advocate for, and invest in women!

There is a significant gender gap in entrepreneurship in Canada. Women entrepreneurs contribute $148 billion to our economy and closing this gap for the sake of economic activity has the potential to add another $150 to $420 billion.

Take a moment — let that sink in. We’re sitting on a gold mine here, and it’s your time to shine!

By understanding and addressing the unique barriers that women entrepreneurs face, we can enhance opportunities to scale businesses and boost economic growth in our province. That’s why we’ve created the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee — for you to succeed in the pursuit of your dreams.

Brand Identity for Women-Owned Saskatchewan Businesses

WESK invites you to join the movement and proudly and loudly identify as a local woman-owned business, or as a supporter of women-owned Saskatchewan businesses. This brand identity includes two components,

  1. For majority women-owned businesses, we’ve created the “Woman-Owned Business – Saskatchewan” badge to inspire and empower women entrepreneurs to celebrate themselves and their achievements.
  2. For organizations or businesses that are not majority women-owned, the “Supporter of Women-Owned Businesses – Saskatchewan” was created to allow advocates of women entrepreneurs to show their support with pride and dedication!

Saskatchewan Women Entrepreneurship Charter

The Saskatchewan Women Entrepreneurship Charter is an initiative launched by Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan (WESK) to address the gender entrepreneurship gap in our province. The charter is comprised of four principles to provide guidance and examples as to how you and your organization can best support local women-owned businesses.

WESK Advocate

The WESK Official Advocate is for our supporters and our champions. Whether you are an entrepreneur, you’ve been one, or you simply support WESK’s vision to close the gender entrepreneurship gap in Saskatchewan, show your support as an official WESK Advocate.