Recap: Second Meeting of the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee

The Saskatchewan Advisory Committee held its second meeting on November 15, 2019. Presentations from two technology focused incubators, Co.Labs and Cultivator, provided key insights into the structure and supports available for business GROWTH along the spectrum.

The sub-committee tasked with the priority of access to capital, networks/mentors presented several recommendations.

The Committee’s deliberations included the challenges of balancing family responsibilities and business growth; knowledge and skills in relation to financial management; linkage and connections  to established entrepreneurs and recruiting advisors and mentors. There were recommendations for the development of comprehensive supports for growth/scaling up and collaborations with key stakeholders and partners to augment supports and training.

The recommendations of this sub-committee will be captured in a Final Report to be released in June 2020.

The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for January 2020 and will focus on Influencing Policy.

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Recap: First Meeting of the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee

The first meeting of the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee, held September 13th following the announcement of the members of the Committee, focused on defining scope and outcomes of the initiative. All 12 members were present at the first meeting. It was determined that the final deliverable will include a three Pillar Strategy: Access to Capital; Influencing Policy; and, Creating Awareness.

Each Pillar will be informed by a subcommittee comprised of Saskatchewan Advisory Committee members and supported by WESK staff.

Chairs of the subcommittees are as follows:         

  • Access to Capital (including mentors & networks): Mary Weimer
  • Influencing Policy: Natasha Vandenhurk
  • Creating Awareness: Rachel Mielke

The Committee will be meeting in November, January, March, May and June with subcommittee meetings being held between the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee meetings. The Committee will develop a report for the Government of Saskatchewan  to be released in June 2020.  The Report will include short-term and long-term recommendations.



A Saskatchewan with a level playing field of equal opportunities for ALL entrepreneurs.

Learn more about the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee here:

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